Feeding Feeding

Breastfeeding, bottle feeding and weaning


Breastfeeding support

It’s not always easy to breastfeed - but there is support available.

Bottle feeding your baby

Tips for bottle feeding your baby, whether you’re using expressed breast milk or infant formula.

How do I start weaning?

Your baby is likely to be ready for solid foods from around six months old.

Breastfeeding positions for nursing your baby or toddler

There are lots of ways you can breastfeed. You can try different feeding positions to see what works best for you and your baby.

When to feed your baby

Whether you’re using breast or bottle, you can try responsive feeding. This is where you watch for signs your baby is hungry.

Can I combine breast and bottle feeding?

If you want or need to combine breastfeeding with bottle feeding, here are our tips for getting started.

When should I start weaning?

You may spot signs your baby is ready to try solid food when they’re around six months old.

What are the stages of weaning?

Every baby goes through weaning at their own pace. These are the stages most babies go through at certain times.

Common weaning worries

It’s normal to worry about starting weaning. This advice can lessen risk and help you deal with problems.

What portion sizes should I give my baby during the first six months of weaning?

Babies don’t need much solid food when they start weaning. It’s more about building food confidence.

Weaning cooking and mealtime tips

Whether you’re trying baby-led weaning or spoon feeding, home-cooking is a healthy, cheap option for mealtimes.

Coping with night-time feeds

Feeding a baby during the night can be hard at times, but you can take some steps to make it feel easier or find support.