How keeping a diary can boost self-esteem in children

When your child or teenager is feeling low, they may forget to notice the positive things about themselves. Keeping a diary can help your child start to recognise when things go well, and what they’re good at.

This activity is good for all ages. Start by asking if your child would like to try using a diary or journal. Then get them to talk, draw or write something about each point below.

  • Today I had fun when…
  • I helped someone to…
  • Something I did well today was…
  • A nice thing someone did for me today was…
  • Today was interesting because…
  • I felt good about myself today when…
  • I felt proud today when…

It’s helpful to make a new list of successes every day, perhaps before bed. But your child can do this as often as they like.

happy childhood icon

This advice was written by our experienced Parent Talk coaches. Parent Talk is a free online service for parents and carers, provided by the charity Action for Children. For more advice, message our parenting coaches with our online chat.

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