Parent Talk

Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust.

We’re here for you, when you need us. Find answers to parenting questions in our advice articles. Or talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you. It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.

Parent Talk

Featured article: Supporting your child when they feel anxious about changes at school

Changes at nursery, school, college or university may feel big or overwhelming to your child. They might be starting at a new place or moving into a new class. You can help them adjust and manage any difficult feelings. 

Featured article: Supporting your child when they feel anxious about changes at school

Early parenting

Becoming a parent, feeding, sleeping and potty training

Early parenting

Development and additional needs

Communication, social and emotional development, neurodiversity and support for additional needs

Development and additional needs

School life

School work and homework, behaviour and wellbeing, and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

School life

Home and family life

Family relationships and mental health, work and money, healthy living, technology and fun at home

Home and family life

Feelings and behaviour

Understanding behaviour and emotions, talking about feelings, safety and wellbeing, rules and rewards, wellbeing activities

Feelings and behaviour

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