Activity ideas for teenagers

If your teen is bored around the house, try suggesting a few different things they might enjoy. Some will want to spend time on their own, and that’s OK. They may also enjoy doing things together with you.

Try some ideas to see what your child is interested in, but let them choose what works for them.

Help them find a project

  • Start a book club. Choose a book everyone will want to read. Reading apps, such as Kindle, sometimes suggest book club questions at the end of your book. Or you can come up with your own.
  • Suggest they research a new topic that interests them and create a project on it.
  • Help your teen rearrange their bedroom the way they like it. Give them separate bags or boxes for items to recycle, donate or keep.
  • Plan a three-course meal with food you already have in the house. Get your teen to design the menu, set the table and cook the meal themselves. Or do it together.

Do some arts and crafts

  • Have a drawing competition. Use paint or make a collage using bits and pieces.
  • Upcycle some old clothes. Cut off old jeans to make shorts, lose sleeves or change a neckline to create something new.

Play games

  • Rediscover old jigsaws or board games.
  • Have a stand-up comedy night. Every family member gets a 10-minute slot and has to come up with as many jokes as possible.
  • Put on an exercise DVD or find a class online and have a gym session in the front room. Even better, get outside. Physical activity is good for emotional wellbeing.
  • Find some video games to enjoy as a family.

Look to the future

  • Create a vision board. They could include things that make them happy, travel ideas or positive affirmations. Cut things out from magazine or print items from the internet to stick on to the board.
  • Have a careers day. Ask them to think about what careers interest them, and what to do next to pursue them.
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This advice was written by our experienced Parent Talk coaches. Parent Talk is a free online service for parents and carers, provided by the charity Action for Children. For more advice, message our parenting coaches with our online chat.

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