School behaviour and wellbeing School behaviour and wellbeing

Bullying, school refusal, exclusion and coping with change

School behaviour and wellbeing

What to do if you think your child is being bullied Arrow Link

When your child is being bullied, it may be difficult to know how to support your child.

How to prepare your child for starting school Arrow Link

Your child going to school for the first time is a big milestone for you and for them.

School refusal and Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Arrow Link

information on possible reasons for school refusal and anxiety and how you can get your child the support they need.

What happens when a child is excluded from school Arrow Link

If you have been told that your child could be excluded from school, there are things you can do.

Supporting your child with anxiety about changes at school Arrow Link

Changes at nursery or school, or college may feel big or overwhelming to your child.

How can I support my child at university? Arrow Link

Going to university is often exciting but scary. You can support your child’s mental health and wellbeing at university.

Getting your child ready for a new school term Arrow Link

Starting school or going back after a break can feel difficult for children and young people. You can help them prepare.