Parent mental health Parent mental health

Coping with parental guilt, loneliness, burnout and suicidal thoughts

Parent mental health

How to deal with parental burnout Arrow Link

If you're feeling overwhelmed on a day-to-day basis, you may have parental burnout. Here's how to cope.

How to cope with feeling lonely as a parent Arrow Link

Understanding the signs of loneliness and having some techniques to help you cope can make all the difference.

How to deal with parental guilt Arrow Link

It's natural to want to do the best for your children and to feel guilt sometimes. Here's how to cope.

Support for family and friends carers Arrow Link

Kinship care can be rewarding, but it can also take time to adjust to your new role as a carer. 

Parenting after pregnancy and baby loss Arrow Link

Losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy, during birth, or soon after birth is a very difficult experience. It may affect how you feel about parenting.

How to stay calm with your child Arrow Link

It can be difficult to keep control of your emotions if you’re having a battle of wills with your child.

Support for parents with suicidal thoughts Arrow Link

Where you can get support now if you are having thoughts of ending your life.

Mental health self-care for parents Arrow Link

Taking care of your mental health will help you feel more able to deal with challenges when they arise.

Support when you feel like you can’t cope as a parent Arrow Link

When you’re parenting, there can be times when everything feels too much. There is support is available for you.

Support if you’re affected by your child’s behaviour Arrow Link

Dealing with some behaviour can feel exhausting. The most important thing to remember is you are not alone.