Child exploitation is something you might hear a lot about on the news. It can be worrying for parents and carers to think about it. By understanding what child exploitation means, you can be more prepared to protect your child if you ever think they’re in danger.
Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of a child for their own profit or gain. It can take different forms.
When a child is manipulated or pressured to take part in criminal activity, including selling drugs. This is sometimes called county lines.
A type of sexual abuse where someone is coerced, manipulated or pressured into sexual activity online or offline. This might be in exchange for gifts, affection, money or social status.
Both types of exploitation can be hard for a child to recognise and they may not understand that they are being coerced. They may think they are working or in a relationship. Or they might enjoy the attention and the feeling of belonging.
Spend quality time with your child on a regular basis. This can help you stay connected to what is going on in their life when they’re not with you.
Make sure they know they can speak to you about anything. People who exploit children often rely on the child not telling anyone. We have some advice on talking about difficult topics.
Talk to them about the risks of child exploitation. Help them to spot the signs of coercion by talking to them about manipulative behaviour. This might look different depending on their age and level of understanding. The CEOP (Child exploitation and online protection) website has resources to explain exploitation to children of different ages.
If your child finds talking hard, it may help to teach them to communicate in other ways. When a child struggles with communication they might not be able to express how they’re feeling verbally. Try and think about the ways your child best communicates with you. Decide on a plan to regularly check in with them. This might be through drawing, talking, writing, or using visual aids.
If you are unsure, talk your child’s school for some more information.
You may notice a change in your child’s behaviour, such as:
Not all of these things will always mean your child is being exploited, so try to take a calm and open approach with your child to find out what’s going on.
f you worry your child is a victim of child exploitation, talk to someone about it. Contact their school and tell them everything that makes you worried.
You can also speak to your local children’s services. The process is slightly different depending on where you live. But the information should be available on your local council’s website.
Helpline for families affected by a missing child, county lines and criminal exploitation.
Phone or text 116 000, any day from 9am to 11pm.
Get help if you’re worried about a child.
Phone 0808 800 5000, 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
Email to
Report abuse on the NSPCC website
Report child exploitation to the police.
If your child is in immediate danger, call the police by dialing 999. You should also contact the police if you don’t know where your child is and you’re concerned they are being exploited.