The way children listen and understand sounds changes as they grow, and every child develops at a different rate.
Please enter your email address to start a new chat or to continue an earlier chat. We’ll use it to send you a copy of your conversation and to ask for feedback – nothing else.
You don’t need to share any other personal details with us if you don’t want to.
Anything you tell us is confidential. We will only share your information without your consent if you or someone else might be at risk of significant harm – then we would contact the Police, Ambulance, social services, a mental health crisis or other service to help you. For more information, read our confidentiality policy.
We keep chat records for up to 7 years and share anonymised data with organisations that fund the service. Read our privacy policy for more details.
To start a chat, send a WhatsApp message to 07700174470 or click the button below. When you WhatsApp us we’ll be able to see your phone number. We’ll ask what name we can call you, but you don’t need to share any other personal details with us if you don’t want to.
Please do not send any photographs or other attachments in the chat, as these will not be seen by your coach.
Anything you tell us is confidential. We will only share your information without your consent if you or someone else might be at risk of significant harm – then we would contact the Police, Ambulance, social services, a mental health crisis or other service to help you. For more information, read our confidentiality policy.
If you don’t already have WhatsApp, you can download the app or use webchat instead.
We keep chat records for up to 7 years and share anonymised data with organisations that fund the service. Read our privacy policy for more details.